ASG Superconductors with HZDR researchers combine magnetic resonance imaging with particle beams
ASG Superconductors with researchers of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) will build the world’s first prototype that tracks moving tumors with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in real time during proton therapy. They are combining a rotating open MRI device for the LINAC-MR system Alberta Health Services, with an actively scanned clinical-akin proton beam at OncoRay, the Dresden-based National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology. The rotating MRI device is produced by ASG Superconductors, using the MROpen Evo technology-based helium-free superconducting magnesium diboride (MgB2) magnet. Real-time MRI would make it possible to synchronize the proton beam to tumor motion during radiation dose delivery. So far, this has been impossible and therefore was a limiting factor for treating moving tumors with this promising cancer therapy.
Paciente – Innovative MRI Partners – Pensacola (EUA)
“Como um paciente claustrofóbico, que até precisou de Valium para [...]
Paciente – Birmingham Upright MRI Centre (Reino Unido)
“Sou claustrofóbico e esta é a primeira vez que estive [...]
Paciente – Leeds Upright MRI Centre (Reino Unido)
“Tive uma experiência ruim em outro lugar, mas esta foi [...]
Doutor Simon Blease – Diretor de Imagiologia – European Scanning Centre – Londres (Reino Unido)
“...parece óbvio, mas é melhor examinar o paciente na [...]
Another MROpen Evo ready for the shipment to North America
Another MROpenEvo system is on its way to North America. [...]
Opening the horizon of imaging
MROpen Evo allow special studies & research. Greatest versatility enables [...]