Penny Gowland, Professor of Physics at the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre at the University of Nottingham, will be one of the speakers at the webinar “MRI Portfolio Optimisation” organized by and supported by ASG Superconductors. 📆 On the 29th of September at 14.00 (CET), we will talk about how to maximise the value of MRI with her and other professionals. Don’t miss the appointment!
Paciente – Innovative MRI Partners – Pensacola (EUA)
“Como um paciente claustrofóbico, que até precisou de Valium para [...]
Paciente – Birmingham Upright MRI Centre (Reino Unido)
“Sou claustrofóbico e esta é a primeira vez que estive [...]
Paciente – Leeds Upright MRI Centre (Reino Unido)
“Tive uma experiência ruim em outro lugar, mas esta foi [...]
Doutor Simon Blease – Diretor de Imagiologia – European Scanning Centre – Londres (Reino Unido)
“...parece óbvio, mas é melhor examinar o paciente na [...]
Another MROpen Evo ready for the shipment to North America
Another MROpenEvo system is on its way to North America. [...]
Opening the horizon of imaging
MROpen Evo allow special studies & research. Greatest versatility enables [...]