Scâneres abertos dão uma dimensão totalmente nova à ressonância magnética, que pode ser utilizada para estudar os efeitos da gravidade na estrutura e função, e também os processos dinâmicos no corpo humano This will provide new clinical information most obviously in MSK imaging but also in lung, GI and neuroimaging, and will also open up new avenues in experimental medicine research. Furthermore, the convenience of the scanner offers the chance for faster patient scanning with less risk of claustrophobia.
Open Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Thinking Outside the Tunnel
Imaging & Oncology 2017 Open Upright magnetic resonance imaging [...]
Open Upright MRI in the Real World
The spread of open upright MRI scanning is a [...]
The magnets to study the brain
ASG Superconductors has been awarded a contract by Gachon [...]
A stand-up magnetic resonance imaging scanner is feasible and reliable for estimating weight bearing knee alignment in patellofemoral osteoarthritis
MRI evaluation of knee alignment in patellofemoral osteo-arthritis (PFOA) [...]
Dynamic MR in patients affected by neurogenical claudication: technique and results from a single-center experience
This study aimed to determine changes in size oflumbar [...]
Findings In Back Pain Patients Referred For Upright MRI
Positional MRI has been developed to provide images of [...]