“…parece óbvio, mas é melhor examinar o paciente na posição de máxima sintomatologia, onde a patologia é revelada, do que em uma posição de máximo alívio da dor…”
“…evaluating instability patterns that may result from injuries such as Whiplash, putting patients into positions where they experience their symptoms – such as extreme ranges of flexion or extension…”
“…Gravity is a contrast agent for me. So we always start with a conventional laying-down study, so we have a baseline. Then we put the patient into an Upright position that generates pain, to gain a better understanding of what is causing the problem…”
NEWS Asg Superconductors @ RSNA 2019
ASG Superconductors is showcasing MROpen EVO, the latest version [...]
Another MRI Unit installed in Edmonton, Canada to power the MagnetTx Aurora-RT
Another MRI Unit, based on our MROpen technology, installed [...]
A new Paramed MROpen MRI System installed in Texas
Genoa - ITALY, Morton Grove, ILLINOIS – USA, 12 [...]
A new Paramed MROpen MRI system unit installed in Georgia
Morton Grove, ILLINOIS – USA 23 September 2019 ASG [...]
The brain without secret
Italian super magnet: "the brain without secret". Read the [...]
With MROpen an aid to push spinal health into the stratosphere
The unique Paramed Open Upright MRI scanner was used [...]