“…suena obvio, pero es mejor evaluar al paciente en la posición de máximos síntomas, donde se revela la patología, que en una posición de máximo alivio del dolor…”.
“…evaluating instability patterns that may result from injuries such as Whiplash, putting patients into positions where they experience their symptoms – such as extreme ranges of flexion or extension…”
“…Gravity is a contrast agent for me. So we always start with a conventional laying-down study, so we have a baseline. Then we put the patient into an Upright position that generates pain, to gain a better understanding of what is causing the problem…”
The brand new MROpen Evo website is online!
Introducing the world’s only open MRI scanner. MgB2 helium free [...]
Looking for educational and fun half term activities?
The world's first MRI scanner is currently on display at [...]
Martyn Beckett, director de Operaciones, InHealth (Reino Unido)
“Brindamos un servicio a pacientes que no pueden someterse a [...]
Congratulations to the European Scanning Centre
Proud to be part of these results with our unique [...]
MRI Portfolio Optimisation: watch the full webinar!
In this webinar, our Marco Belardinelli (Business Unit Director of [...]