“…suena obvio, pero es mejor evaluar al paciente en la posición de máximos síntomas, donde se revela la patología, que en una posición de máximo alivio del dolor…”.
“…evaluating instability patterns that may result from injuries such as Whiplash, putting patients into positions where they experience their symptoms – such as extreme ranges of flexion or extension…”
“…Gravity is a contrast agent for me. So we always start with a conventional laying-down study, so we have a baseline. Then we put the patient into an Upright position that generates pain, to gain a better understanding of what is causing the problem…”
NEWS Asg Superconductors @ RSNA 2019
ASG Superconductors is showcasing MROpen EVO, the latest version [...]
Another MRI Unit installed in Edmonton, Canada to power the MagnetTx Aurora-RT
Another MRI Unit, based on our MROpen technology, installed [...]
A new Paramed MROpen MRI System installed in Texas
Genoa - ITALY, Morton Grove, ILLINOIS – USA, 12 [...]
A new Paramed MROpen MRI system unit installed in Georgia
Morton Grove, ILLINOIS – USA 23 September 2019 ASG [...]
The brain without secret
Italian super magnet: "the brain without secret". Read the [...]
With MROpen an aid to push spinal health into the stratosphere
The unique Paramed Open Upright MRI scanner was used [...]