Early disc degeneration (DD) has been thought to be associated with loss of spine stability. However, before this can be understood in relation to back pain, it is necessary to know the relationship between DD and intervertebral motion in people without pain. This study aimed to find out if early-to-moderate DD is associated with intervertebral motion in people without back pain.
Paciente, Innovative MRI, Pensacola (EE. UU.)
“Como paciente que sufre de claustrofobia, que incluso necesitó Valium [...]
Paciente, Birmingham Upright MRI Centre (Reino Unido)
“Tengo claustrofobia, y esta fue mi primera vez en un [...]
Paciente, Leeds Upright MRI Centre (Reino Unido)
“Tuve una mala experiencia en otro lugar, pero en este [...]
Dr. Simon Blease, director de Diagnóstico por Imágenes, European Scanning Centre, Londres (Reino Unido)
“...suena obvio, pero es mejor evaluar al paciente en [...]
Another MROpen Evo ready for the shipment to North America
Another MROpenEvo system is on its way to North America. [...]
Opening the horizon of imaging
MROpen Evo allow special studies & research. Greatest versatility enables [...]