A very interesting day focused on the engineering and clinical expertise in our Genoa facility where the MROpenEVO system – the world’s only open and helium free MRI using MgB2 superconducting technology – is developed and produced.
It was a real pleasure to host the participants of the theoretical pratical course on open MRI magnetic resonances in collaboration with AIIC Associazione Italiana Ingegneri Clinici.
MRI Portfolio optimization – webinar
Penny Gowland, Professor of Physics at the Sir Peter Mansfield [...]
Video: the world’s only OPEN SKY Upright MRI
Discover MROpen EVO features, technology and innovation in the [...]
Penny Gowland – Professor of Physics, Faculty of Science Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre – Nottingham University
Open scanners give a whole new dimension to MRI, which [...]
Alan Breen DC, PhD Professor of MSK Healthcare – AECC University College – Bournemouth (UK)
MROpen can be used both to study the service uses [...]
Patient – Innovative MRI – Orlando (USA)
“.. I have been in many scanners in my life [...]
Patient – Innovative MRI – Pensacola (USA)
“As a claustrophobic patient who even needed Valium to use [...]