A very interesting day focused on the engineering and clinical expertise in our Genoa facility where the MROpenEVO system – the world’s only open and helium free MRI using MgB2 superconducting technology – is developed and produced.
It was a real pleasure to host the participants of the theoretical pratical course on open MRI magnetic resonances in collaboration with AIIC Associazione Italiana Ingegneri Clinici.
Looking for educational and fun half term activities?
The world's first MRI scanner is currently on display at [...]
Martyn Beckett, Director of Operations, InHealth (UK)
We provide a service to patients who are unable to [...]
Congratulations to the European Scanning Centre
Proud to be part of these results with our unique [...]
MRI Portfolio Optimisation: watch the full webinar!
In this webinar, our Marco Belardinelli (Business Unit Director of [...]
After a shoulder injury, this patient discovers the comfort [...]