The world’s first scientific prototype combining real time magnetic resonance imaging with proton therapy for tumours on the move with ‘made in Italy’ superconducting MgB2 technology is inaugurated in Germany (Dresden).
Monitoring cancer patients using real-time magnetic resonance images and significantly improving the accuracy of proton therapy: this is the goal that doctors from Saxony have set themselves together with scientists from the Helmholtz centre in Dresden-Rossendorf and Dresden university medicine in collaboration with ASG.
Video: BE OPEN. Stress free MRI.
MROpen Evo. The best MRI experience. One of our [...]
Affidea Italy: at the Nuova Lamp Center the only “open air” resonance in Northern Italy
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The proton beam scanner who sees and cures the tumor
Made in Italy technology ready for the treatment and [...]
Video: TGR Liguria – ASG Superconductors: a new approach to the future of cancer treatment
Towards live imaging in proton therapy ASG Superconductors with [...]
ASG Superconductors with HZDR combine magnetic resonance imaging with proton therapy
ASG Superconductors with Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) will build the [...]
ASG will provide magnets for a new proton therapy system
The Malacalza family company will work with Dresden's HZDR [...]