Get ready for an exceptional week of learning and innovation on mri topics and systems, thanks to our exclusive MgB2 superconducting technology we deliver:
Truly open design
Cryogen free MRI system
Multi position imaging
Highest patient acceptance
Special studies and research.
To discover more join our MROpenEVO and superconducting team at RSNA 2023.
MROpen EVO @Sirm 2022
Looking forward to meet the MRI and radiology community in [...]
MROpenEvo: the next generation in positional MR imaging
The MROpen EVO is the world's only superconducting, cryogen-free [...]
The best mri experience: discover the new MROPEN EVO brochure US edition
STRESS FREE. The best mri experience Our key value [...]
Claustrophobia in MRI remains deep concern among patients.
A total of 62% of radiographers reported that they [...]
MROpenEVO at ESMRMB 2021
Increasing the patient acceptance with MROpenEVO and a lot [...]
Tomorrow @ESMRMB 2021.
Tomorrow @ESMRMB 2021: a dedicated speech by Stefano Gazzo [...]