Get ready for an exceptional week of learning and innovation on mri topics and systems, thanks to our exclusive MgB2 superconducting technology we deliver:
Truly open design
Cryogen free MRI system
Multi position imaging
Highest patient acceptance
Special studies and research.
To discover more join our MROpenEVO and superconducting team at RSNA 2023.
Patient – Innovative MRI – Pensacola (USA)
“As a claustrophobic patient who even needed Valium to use [...]
Patient – Birmingham Upright MRI Centre (UK)
“I am claustrophobic, and this is the first time I’ve [...]
Patient – Leeds Upright MRI Centre (UK)
“I had a bad experience elsewhere but this was stress [...]
Dr. Simon Blease – Imaging Director – European Scanning Centre – London (UK)
“…it sounds obvious, but it is better to scan [...]
Another MROpen Evo ready for the shipment to North America
Another MROpenEvo system is on its way to North America. [...]
Opening the horizon of imaging
MROpen Evo allow special studies & research. Greatest versatility enables [...]