Made in Italy technology ready for the treatment and monitoring of tumors. In fact, it has been put to in our country the prototype of a scanner that allows you to control the movements real time of the masses of tumors in the body during a proton therapy, an emerging technique and alternative to radiotherapy, with a greater ability to preserve the surrounding tissues thanks to the to the limited penetration depth of protons.
The prototype that combines a rotating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a beam of protons is the result of the collaboration between Italy, Germany and Canada. The machinery will be manufactured by ASG Superconductors, a company of the Malacalza family, who will work together with Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) researchers and Canada’s MagnetTx.
Video: Towards live imaging in proton therapy
ASG Superconductors with HZDR researchers combine magnetic resonance imaging [...]
An important step towards live imaging in proton therapy
ASG Superconductors with HZDR researchers combine magnetic resonance imaging [...]
Video: Pioneering the helium free MRI technology with MROpen Evo
Pioneering the helium free MRI technology with MROpen Evo [...]
Smashing the magnetic field strength dogma in MRI.
A major step to achieve superior diagnostic quality at [...]
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