In this webinar, our Marco Belardinelli (Business Unit Director of the Paramed #MRI unit) together with Penny Gowland (Professor of Physics at the University of Nottingham), Martyn Beckett (COO at InHealth UK) and AAron B. Montgomery (MD at Innovative Open MRI of Pensacola), will talk about the need to maximise the value of MRI in a clinical setting and to effectively measure its clinical utility in terms of patient outcomes.
Positional pelvic organ prolapse (POP) evaluation using open magnetic resonance imaging (MRO)
The pelvic floor is a complex 3D support structure [...]
Open-MRI Measures of Cam Intrusion for Hips in an AnteriorImpingement Position Relate to Acetabular Contact Force
Open MRI in functional positions has potential to directly [...]