Open scanners give a whole new dimension to MRI, which can be used to study the effects of gravity on structure and function, and also dynamic processes in the human body. This will provide new clinical information most obviously in MSK imaging but also in lung, GI and neuroimaging, and will also open up new avenues in experimental medicine research. Furthermore, the convenience of the scanner offers the chance for faster patient scanning with less risk of claustrophobia.
MROpenEvo: the next generation in positional MR imaging
The MROpen EVO is the world's only superconducting, cryogen-free [...]
The best mri experience: discover the new MROPEN EVO brochure US edition
STRESS FREE. The best mri experience Our key value [...]
Claustrophobia in MRI remains deep concern among patients.
A total of 62% of radiographers reported that they [...]
MROpenEVO at ESMRMB 2021
Increasing the patient acceptance with MROpenEVO and a lot [...]
Tomorrow @ESMRMB 2021.
Tomorrow @ESMRMB 2021: a dedicated speech by Stefano Gazzo [...]
Video: BE OPEN. Stress free MRI.
MROpen Evo. The best MRI experience. One of our [...]