The unique Paramed Open Upright MRI scanner was used in a prestigious cooperation between the AECC University College of Bournemouth (UK) and the King’s College University of London for a research commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) on a specific “skinswit” which aims to mitigate the spinal elongation and also some of the musculoskeletal deconditioning that occurs to astronauts during space flight. Thanks to the possibility to acquire MR images in upright and multi position, researchers from the two important Institutes, can have important indications to test a solution to the problem of microgravity’s effects on the back.
Innovative Open MRI's positioning ability finds one patient's previously [...]
After dealing with years of struggling with Post Traumatic [...]
This patient's increasing claustrophobia left him dreading necessary MRI [...]
A child suffering from Asperger syndrome, Tourette syndrome, and [...]
After many tests, including traditional MRIs, this patient's lengthy [...]
View from the Open MRI in the European Scanning Centre Ltd – Cardiff
The centre situated in Cardiff Gate Business Park contains the [...]