MRI evaluation of knee alignment in patellofemoral osteo-arthritis (PFOA) currently relies on closed bore magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) where participants are in supine and non-weight bear-ing. Since alignment may be strongly influenced by pain provocation/avoidance, loading strategies or muscle activity in weight-bearing, openMRI affords the opportunity to gather potentially important newinformation of key modifiable alignment measures.
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The world's first MRI scanner is currently on display at [...]
Martyn Beckett, Director of Operations, InHealth (UK)
We provide a service to patients who are unable to [...]
Congratulations to the European Scanning Centre
Proud to be part of these results with our unique [...]
MRI Portfolio Optimisation: watch the full webinar!
In this webinar, our Marco Belardinelli (Business Unit Director of [...]
After a shoulder injury, this patient discovers the comfort [...]